Diomedes Industries - APS 448

Diomedes Industries
APS 448
Ambidextrous Pocket Sheath

Handcrafted in Virginia, USA

  • The APS 448 sheath (formerly the "APS Gent") was initially designed for popular Fiddleback Forge Runt, but also fits other knife models of similar size as well.

    The APS (Ambidextrous Pocket Sheath) series of sheaths were designed to be the perfect pocket sheath for blades of a variety of shapes of blades from spear point, leaf-shaped, drop-points, and more. They are also designed to follow the lines of the average jeans pocket shape. Because of the symmetrical design, they can be worn as a left-handed or right-handed sheath.

    Every sheath is perfectly cut to exacting standards from 8-10 oz top grain leather. Leather is drum-dyed & finished sheath is oiled by hand, giving it a rich finish and color.

  • Type: Ambidextrous Pocket Sheath
    Inside Depth:  4-4/8 Inches
    Overall Length: 4-7/8 Inches
    Leather: Top Grain Leather, Veg-Tanned
    Pocket Clip: Stainless Steel

  • Fiddleback Forge
    • Fiddleback Forge Runt
    • Fiddleback Forge Minnow
    • Fiddleback Forge Pocket Ninja
    • Fiddleback Forge Lil' Snowbill
    • Fiddleback Forge Daimyo
    • Fiddleback Forge Talon
    • Fiddleback Forge Geisha
    Edge Knifeworks
    • Edge Knifeworks Mini Huntsman
  • Shipping Times: Sheaths may be made to order but typically will ship in 14 days or less. Carrier times should be added to that figure to estimate total delivery time. If there's an exception, we will contact you directly.

    Leather Color: Due to the way leather absorbs dye, each sheath's color will vary.

    Photos: Photos are copyrighted and should NOT be used without our expressed written permission. Knives and other items pictured are sold separately...but you knew that already because you're awesome!

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